Mo Bro

And following favourit I find myself back for a stint in agency-land, working for a company called IE Agency.. (the ‘IE’ I’m reliably informed stands for ‘Internet Experience’) project managing development on For those of you that don’t know they’re people behind all those moustaches sported by hipsters throughout the month of November. I think we’ve all come across Movember at some stage – certainly living in London you couldn’t get away from it, I even toyed with taking part myself.. but never really had the cojones, so to speak. But it was quite a surprise to find out what a massive operation it is, especially on the web. The project I’m managing never really stops, just ramps ups hugely in the run up (ie. now!) to the launch of the campaign (2012 starts in September).

I have to say, so far, I’m enjoying it. It feels good to part of something clearly destined  to become (if not already) an Aussie icon, and the chaps at IE are a lovely bunch so hopefully I will be sticking around for a while longer.. and, of course, I’ll post up pictures of the ridiculous mo I’ll be growing later in the year.. no excuses this time..